Invest in You


Add a Goal

Write that blog post. Finish your kitchen cabinet. Begin learning a new language. Wherever your interests lie, our brains are trained to seek out the easiest path. Sometimes that means pushing off our long-term desires for short-term comfort. Discipline is key.

You Set the Price

You wouldn’t miss a deadline from your boss, so why not treat yourself the same? Centivize helps you set aside your own money, creating a real financial incentive to reach your deadline. We hold your funds in escrow until the task is finished then send the money back to you upon completion. You’re always in control of how much you choose to invest, and you always have the opportunity to earn back the full amount.

Get it Done

Our app harnesses the psychological concept of negative reinforcement to encourage good habits with a little help from your wallet. If you don’t reach your goal, you forfeit your investment. It stings, and studies show it’s effective. Make the first step towards getting closer to accomplishing your dreams.

Sky's the limit

Run that race.

Whatever you’re passionate about, we know the difference between success and putting off can be a gentle push in the right direction.


Discover your potential.

Feeling the highs of starting a new project may propel anyone toward success, but discipline in the face of hardship makes all the difference. Setting behavioral constraints before roadblocks emerge guide us to the finish line quicker, wasting less mental and physical energy.